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At a young age Chris Corbin was told, “Do what you love.” He has been pursuing his passion for water ever since. He left his home in Northwest Arkansas to explore the fabled waters of Montana and pursue an education. He graduated from the University of Montana with high honors in Aquatic Wildlife Biology and Environmental Studies.

Upon graduation, Chris accepted a position as Project Manager of the Montana Water Trust and served as Chairman of the Board for the Bitter Root Water Forum.

To further his education, he returned to the University of Montana and earned an MBA. His education in conjunction with additional consulting experience as a Water Right Specialist for PBS&J led him to pursue an entrepreneurial vision for a water marketing company. He launched Lotic, LLC, based in Missoula, Montana, in the fall of 2007.The following summer, he attended PERC’s Enviropreneur Institute to hone his thinking and his skills while continuing to develop his entrepreneurial vision.

Lotic, LLC,  currently offers the following water right consulting services:

1. Profitability- increase cash flows from efficient water use.
2. Asset management- protect and maximize the value of water rights.
3. Brokerage- buy or sell water rights.
4. Conservation- develop water right projects with ecological benefit.

As an Enviropreneur-in-Residence, Chris will build on these services by exploring innovative water right solutions to the anticipated water shortage in the arid Western United States. He will pursue opportunities that allocate water rights to maximize economic (agriculture), social (municipal), and ecological (fisheries) values.

PERC’s intellectual capital will provide the necessary resources for Chris to strategically craft market-based solutions to water market problems. During his residency program, he expects to develop an array of services and strategies to strengthen the Lotic business model in the emerging water market.

Web site: Lotic, LLC
Blog: Chris Corbin



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