Many jurisdictions have implemented bans or taxes on plastic grocery bags on environmental grounds. PERC Lone Mountain Fellow Jonathan Klick argues, however, that reusable grocery bags contain potentially harmful bacteria, especially coliform bacteria such as E. coli.
The Health Costs of Plastic Grocery Bag Bans
New Fund Offers Relief for Wyoming Ranchers Facing Wildlife Disease Risk
Ranchers and Conservationists behind East Yellowstone Brucellosis Compensation Fund aim to address challenges of elk migrations on private lands
Conservation Groups Launch Suit Against Fish and Wildlife Service for Impairing Species Recovery and Ignoring Science
Two conservation groups are launching a suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) over the "blanket rule" that disregards science and hinders habitat restoration efforts under the Endangered Species Act.
Setting the Record Straight on PERC’s Support for Public Lands
Finding common ground to advance conservation