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Culture, Institutions, and Economic Development: December 2012

December 9-11, 2012
Bozeman, MT
Directed by: Terry Anderson, Bob Cooter, & Dominic Parker

This colloquium, co-sponsored with Liberty Fund, will explore the relationship between liberty and property rights from a historical perspective, focusing especially on how these rights have been employed by and have impacted Native Americans. Criticisms of property rights often reference the success of “communal property” and this conference will also explore private and communal property rights. Readings and discussion will briefly consider the historical emergence of property rights generally and will then focus on the role of property rights in Native American history and in the early West.

What is the rationale for property rights and how do they function in the pre-history and early history of modern North America?

Participants for this conference will come from the Property and Environmental Research Center’s network of scholars working on Indian economies, and it will include Native American tribal leaders and environmental practitioners.

This event is closed to the public.

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