On the John Batchelor Show, Reed Watson discusses the policies that govern public elk on private land in both Montana and Colorado. His talk focuses on how those policies can affect rancher reactions to elk on their property.
Tale of Two Ranches
Reed Watson
Reed Watson is the director of the Hayek Center for the Business of Prosperity and a professor of practice in the John E. Walker Department of Economics at Clemson University.
Unlocking the Conservation Potential of Virtual Fencing
A Policy Framework for Supporting Innovative Land Management
A Controversial Court Decision is Making Forest Restoration in California More Difficult
Restoring our forests and reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire will, in large part, require overcoming this legal hurdle.
Virtual Fence Conservation Fund
PERC’s Virtual Fence Conservation Fund is a quarter-million dollar initiative aimed at empowering ranchers and conservationists to adopt virtual fencing technology on public and private lands.