PERC research fellow Shawn Regan talks with John Batchelor about his latest research and publication, Unlocking the Wealth of Indian Nations: Overcoming Obstacles to Tribal Energy Development. Read his op-ed in Forbes as well.
PERC research fellow Shawn Regan talks with John Batchelor about his latest research and publication, Unlocking the Wealth of Indian Nations: Overcoming Obstacles to Tribal Energy Development. Read his op-ed in Forbes as well.
Shawn Regan is a research fellow and vice president of research at PERC. He is the executive editor of PERC Reports.
Today’s decision penalizes conservation by holding the expansion of these populations against their delisting.
This special issue of PERC Reports explores creative ideas to address the conservation challenges of the Pacific Northwest.
It’s been more than a century since sea otters called the coasts of Oregon and Northern California home. Can they be brought back to the region without alienating fishermen?