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Hunters as Conservationists: A Lecture by Shane Mahoney

One Natural World, One Humanity, One Chance—Conservation Matters

PERC is honored to welcome internationally renowned scientist, wildlife expert and conservationist, Shane Mahoney as a guest lecturer on Monday, July 27th at 4:30 p.m. in the PERC conference room. Reception to follow.

Shane Patrick Mahoney is the President and CEO of Conservation Visions Inc. A Newfoundland native, he holds both an Honors and a Masters of Science degree in Zoology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Mahoney has more than 30 years experience working primarily as a scientist, wildlife manager, policy innovator and strategic advisor; but also as a filmmaker, writer, narrator, tv and radio personality, and lecturer—all within the scope of the greater conservation world, encompassing both the scientific and professional wildlife communities, as well as NGOs and the hunting and non-hunting public.

Please RSVP to by Friday, July 24.

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