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Wildfire Solutions Summit: July 2016

Entering Wildfire from Bright Eye Cinema on Vimeo.

Learn more about wildfire at


Walk into wildfire at The Foundry at 16 S Tracy, downtown Bozeman.
Experience an immersive wildfire video installation by collaborating artists Ethan Turpin and Jonathan Smith.

Reception: Thursday, July 21st from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
S’mores and drinks available.
Installation open to the public: July 22 – 25
Friday – Saturday 10 – 6, Sunday 10 – 4, Monday 10 – 6

Read “Clearing the Smoke from Wildfire Policy” to learn more.


POLICY PANEL: Clearing the Smoke from Wildfire Policy
Friday, July 22 from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm

Baxter Hotel, 105 W Main

In the past two decades, we’ve seen a rapid escalation of extreme wildfire behavior, accompanied by significant increases in risk to responders and citizens. In 2015, wildfires burned more than 10 million acres in the United States at a cost of $2.1 billion in federal expenditures. As the fires burned, the U.S. Forest Service announced that, for the first time, more than half of its budget would be devoted to wildfire. And the situation is likely to get worse. Within a decade, the agency estimates that it will spend more than two-thirds of its budget battling fires.

  • Are wildfires really getting larger and more frequent? 
  • Are climate change and the wildland-urban interface critical determinants of wildfires? 
  • Will funding and policy reforms improve things? 
  • What can landowners do?
Friday, July 22
Baxter Hotel, 105 W Main
9:00-9:30am  Coffee and breakfast snacks available.
9:30-9:35am  Welcome and overview
9:35-9:45am Smokejumping story
Dean Lueck, Indiana University Bloomington, former smokejumper, economist, and editor of Wildfire Policy: Law and Economics Perspectives
9:45-10:00am  Goals and objectives within the Cohesive Strategy on wildfire management
Dave Calkin, U.S. Forest Service, economist, research forester with the U.S. Forest Service, and expert in wildland fire risk assessment
10:00-10:15am  How people’s perception of wildfire shapes policy (for better or worse)
Sarah Anderson, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UC Santa Barbara, is a political scientist and lead professor on the Strategic Environmental Research Initiative on Wildfire and Climate Change (SERI Fire)
10:15-10:30am Q&A with Dave & Sarah
10:30-11:00am  Clearing the Smoke from Wildfire Policy: the evolution of wildfire institutions and policy and an analysis of proposed reforms
Dean Lueck and Jonathan Yoder, Washington State University, environmental economist and director of the State of Washington Water Research Center
11:00-11:15am  Q&A with Dean & Jon
11:15-11:45am Lunch break. Sandwiches available.
11:45-12:00pm  Fire management tools for landowners
Chad Ellis, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, manager of the Center for Land Stewardship, member of the Noble Foundation’s prescribed burn team
12:00-12:15pm  Q&A with Chad
12:15-12:30pm Wildfire art and educational outreach
Walk into Wildfire installation artists Ethan Turpin and Jonathan Smith
12:30pm  Walk into Wildfire
Interested parties are invited to walk one block to the Foundry to see the wildfire installation
Read “Clearing the Smoke from Wildfire Policy” to learn more.

All are welcome.

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