PERC’s Policy Director, Hannah Downey, sits down with Gabriella Hoffman of the District of Conservation podcast to discuss free market environmentalism. Government is often thought of as the sole arbitrator of any and all environmental issues. However, the market offers innovative answers to our environmental challenges and invokes collaborative solutions. By incentivizing compromise and inspiring ingenuity, free market environmentalism can generate good environmental outcomes that leave all parties (wildlife and human alike) better off.
Market Solutions to Environmental Problems
Hannah Downey
- Policy Director
Hannah Downey is the policy director at PERC, helping to bring PERC ideas to the policy world.
PERC Reports Winter 2024
This special issue of PERC Reports explores creative ideas to address the conservation challenges of the Pacific Northwest.
A Coastal Comeback
It’s been more than a century since sea otters called the coasts of Oregon and Northern California home. Can they be brought back to the region without alienating fishermen?
Kelp Wanted
Can cultivating a taste for purple sea urchin help restore America's underwater forests?