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An Important Step Toward Fixing Our Parks

  • Brian Yablonski
  • Yosemite National Park

    PERC CEO Brian Yablonski sits down with John Batchelor of The John Batchelor Show to discuss the Great American Outdoors Act. Our national parks face nearly $12 billion in deferred maintenance projects. The backlog shows in washed-out trails and dilapidated buildings. Thankfully, though, Congress is poised to finally move toward addressing this backlog. The Great American Outdoors Act will provide $9.5 billion in funding over the next five years to help fill our “great national pothole”. This bipartisan piece of legislation is an important step toward ensuring our parks are properly cared for.

    Written By
    • Brian Yablonski
      • Chief Executive Officer

      Brian Yablonski is the chief executive officer of PERC and the former chairman of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

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