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PERC Research on Voluntary Conservation on Federal Grazing Lands Earns Praise from Prestigious Institutions

  • Kat Dwyer
  • Two prestigious institutions are praising PERC’s work on voluntary conservation on federal grazing lands. The American Agricultural Law Association and the Environmental Law Institute both recognized PERC authors for recent research on the topic. The 2022 academic paper, “Opening the Range: Reforms to Allow Markets for Voluntary Conservation on Federal Grazing Lands,” was co-authored by PERC Vice President of Research Shawn Regan, PERC Vice President of Law and Policy Jonathan Wood, and PERC Senior Fellow Temple Stoellinger and published in the Utah Law Review Journal. The paper explores ways to reduce conflict over federal grazing by removing regulatory and legal barriers that inhibit voluntary, market-driven exchange. 

    Meet the authors
    Good ideas garner positive attention

    These two groups represent notably different segments of the legal community, making their recognition of PERC’s work that much more meaningful. PERC’s scholarship reaches across traditional partisan lines, offering smart ideas and innovations that appeal to a broad spectrum of stakeholders. 

    The paper also received the American Agricultural Law Association’s Professional Scholarship Award which is given to the authors of an article that demonstrates outstanding legal writing and analysis on a topic that is equally important to academics. 

    Additionally, it was selected for inclusion in the Environmental Law Institute’s 2023/2024 Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review, a joint publication by ELI’s Environmental Law Reporter and Vanderbilt University Law School. The annual list features the top 20 articles of the year’s best law review articles offering innovative legal and policy solutions to pressing environmental problems. 

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    Written By
    • Kat Dwyer
      Kat Dwyer
      • Marketing & Media Manager

      Kat Dwyer is PERC’s marketing and media manager.

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