The Technology of Property Right describes the influence of technology and technological change on the definition and enforcement of property rights. In a historical context, barbed wire provides the quintessential example of how technology can lower the cost of defining and enforcing property rights. This book provides more modern examples for fisheries, whales, water quantity, and various pollutants which affect air and water quality.
The Technology of Property Rights
P.J. Hill
- Senior Fellow
Terry Anderson
Terry L. Anderson is the former president and executive director of PERC, and the John and Jean De Nault Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
PERC Reports Winter 2024
This special issue of PERC Reports explores creative ideas to address the conservation challenges of the Pacific Northwest.
A Coastal Comeback
It’s been more than a century since sea otters called the coasts of Oregon and Northern California home. Can they be brought back to the region without alienating fishermen?
Kelp Wanted
Can cultivating a taste for purple sea urchin help restore America's underwater forests?