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Race Against Fire: New Map Reveals Massive Gaps in Forest Protection
Western forests burning 3x faster than they can be saved, research reveals
Colorado Ranch Pioneers Innovative Payment Project for Elk Habitat Conservation and Working Lands
Conservationists collaborate with rancher to establish state’s first “Elk Migration Agreement”
Conservation Groups Launch Suit Against Fish and Wildlife Service for Impairing Species Recovery and Ignoring Science
Two conservation groups are launching a suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) over the “blanket rule” that disregards science and hinders habitat restoration efforts under the Endangered Species Act.
The Endangered Species Act’s Road to Recovery
The Department of the Interior announces reforms, supported by PERC research, to improve wildlife recovery under the Endangered Species Act.
PERC Research Fellow Proposes Solution to Conserve International Wildlife
Catherine Semcer testifies before Congress on the role of international hunting in conserving African wildlife.
PERC Executive Director Proposes Solutions to Bring the LWCF Into the 21st Century
Brian Yablonski testifies before the U.S. Senate on ways to improve the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
PERC Research Fellow Offers Solutions on the Future of Grizzly Bears
Jonathan Wood testifies before Congress about best practices for managing delisted bears.
A Breakthrough for Wild Horses in the West?
Using ideas from PERC research, the BLM recently announced a new program to increase wild horse adoptions.