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Language and Cooperation in Hominin Scavenging

Abstract Bickerton (2009, 2014) hypothesizes that language emerged as the solution to a scavenging problem faced by proto-humans. We design a virtual world to explore how people use words to persuade others to work together for a common end. By gradually reducing the vocabularies that the participants can use, we trace the process of solvingContinue reading “Language and Cooperation in Hominin Scavenging”

Private Eradication of Mobile Public Bads

Abstract We consider analytically the non-cooperative behavior of many private property owners who each controls the stock of a public bad, which can grow and spread across spatial areas. We characterize the conditions under which private property owners will control or eradicate, and determine how this decision depends on property-specific environmental features and on theContinue reading “Private Eradication of Mobile Public Bads”