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The Great Green Jobs Flimflam

By Jane Chastain Some people learn from their mistakes. It appears Barack Obama is not one of them. Immediately, after assuming the office of president of the United States, Obama began clamoring for an unprecedented $787 billion dollar stimulus package. It was necessary, he told us, in order to put Americans back to work andContinue reading “The Great Green Jobs Flimflam”

Not the time to cap and trade

By Jody Lipford and Bruce Yandle We were not surprised in late September 2009 when China’s president Hu Jintao announced to the United Nations Assembly that his country would not be a party to a global greenhouse gas reduction commitment. Instead of locking China into a promise that it would not keep, President Hu indicatedContinue reading “Not the time to cap and trade”

In Memoriam: Thomas J. Graff

PERC Executive Director Terry Anderson: "On November 12, PERC and the environment lost a friend when Tom Graff, a lawyer with EDF, passed away. As he showed when we worked together at PERC conferences and briefings in Washington, D.C., Tom understood the importance of markets as a source of environmental quality. Together we wrote aboutContinue reading “In Memoriam: Thomas J. Graff”

Not a walk in the park

By Katharine Herrup Although President Obama recently fulfilled his promise to better fund America’s national parks with a bill he signed Oct. 30 that will add $218 million to the parks budget next year, the small increases his administration is providing are unlikely to be enough to make up for years of neglect. Obama saidContinue reading “Not a walk in the park”

Private land, public wildlife: Finding a balance

 Watch Read Missoula, Montana—At the Montana Farm Bureau Federation’s annual meeting November 9, 2009, PERC’s Terry Anderson and Reed Watson gave a presentation on Montana’s ever-expanding Stream Access Law and the implications of that expansion for the state’s farmers and ranchers. During two workshop sessions, the pair described how the recent Montana Supreme Court caseContinue reading “Private land, public wildlife: Finding a balance”