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The Emerging Water Crisis in the United States

    "Water lubricates the American erconomy just as oil does," says Robert Glennon, author of the new Island Press book Unqunenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do About It. It’s hard to argue with his premise. Just as with oil, supplies of water are finite and are coming under increased stress as populationContinue reading “The Emerging Water Crisis in the United States”

Don Leal appointed to Gulf of Mexico fishery advisory panel

PERC Research Director Don Leal has been appointed to serve on an advisory panel for the Gulf of Mexico that will help guide decisions on how limited access privilege programs can be used effectively to ensure the health and economic viability of the gulf’s marine resources. Leal’s career has been dedicated to research on naturalContinue reading “Don Leal appointed to Gulf of Mexico fishery advisory panel”