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Critique of the ‘Food Miles’ Perspective

By Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu Executive Summary These days, one cannot wander into a supermarket produce section without seeing signs urging customers to “buy local.” Locally produced food, according to proponents of the local-food consumer movement, is not only fresher and better tasting, but it is also better for the environment. After all, theyContinue reading “Critique of the ‘Food Miles’ Perspective”

Many private landowners nurture public wildlife

Great Falls Tribune October 16, 2008 Reader comments By Terry L. Anderson As sports men and women gear up for the hunting season, they are also being bombarded with information about how they should vote. At the top of the list is gun rights, but they should not forget public access and habitat protection. OnContinue reading “Many private landowners nurture public wildlife”

Court’s stream-access decision could backfire on anglers

By Randy L. Simmons Anglers are doing back flips over a recent Utah Supreme Court Decision that makes public all waters in the state and permits recreationists to use streams that cross private property. But what is now being cheered as a victory for anglers could backfire, leading to eroded banks, degraded streams, and aContinue reading “Court’s stream-access decision could backfire on anglers”