By Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu Executive Summary These days, one cannot wander into a supermarket produce section without seeing signs urging customers to “buy local.” Locally produced food, according to proponents of the local-food consumer movement, is not only fresher and better tasting, but it is also better for the environment. After all, theyContinue reading “Critique of the ‘Food Miles’ Perspective”
Author Archives: admin
Many private landowners nurture public wildlife
Great Falls Tribune October 16, 2008 Reader comments By Terry L. Anderson As sports men and women gear up for the hunting season, they are also being bombarded with information about how they should vote. At the top of the list is gun rights, but they should not forget public access and habitat protection. OnContinue reading “Many private landowners nurture public wildlife”
Looking to increase your fuel costs? Buy ethanol
Ethanol was once touted as a panacea to high fuel costs, energy independence, and even global warming. Now, after billions of taxpayer dollars and government mandates for its use, ethanol has become the usual suspect in global food shortages, skyrocketing food prices, and increased environmental degradation.
If You Really Want to Help the Poor, Remember Milton Friedman
On July 31 Milton Friedman would have turned 96. Why should you care? Because the revolutionary Nobel prize winning economist did more than any other person of his generation to advance his belief in freedom, free markets, and prosperity.
Fast Food Finds a New Groove
When America’s favorite and most garish eateries begin serving burgers made from grass-fed beef at the drive-through window, prepare for a revolution.
Private Rights, Public Benefits
Economists devote page upon page of their textbooks to discussions of “public goods,” arguing that markets won’t supply them.
Let the Sunshine In
While wealthy industrialized countries are struggling to convince their populations to adopt solar energy, dozens of villagers in rural Laos are standing in line to sign up with a small energy company that provides solar power.
Dance Revolution
On the European front, a battle is raging over the rights to the title of first ecological nightclub.
Court’s stream-access decision could backfire on anglers
By Randy L. Simmons Anglers are doing back flips over a recent Utah Supreme Court Decision that makes public all waters in the state and permits recreationists to use streams that cross private property. But what is now being cheered as a victory for anglers could backfire, leading to eroded banks, degraded streams, and aContinue reading “Court’s stream-access decision could backfire on anglers”
Shooting the Wild
There is a crossroads in Texas. Down along the Mexican border, in a four-county area, sits the Lower Rio Grande Valley—a merger of tropics and subtropics.