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Your Pants Are Made of What?

What is the world coming to when Diane Von Furstenberg, Halston, and Oscar de la Renta are using materials made from wood pulp, bamboo, corn fiber, and Japanese leaves that contain anti-allergens. Clothing derived from these strange sources was assembled into “eco-outfits” and featured in the windows of Barneys New York, a high-end specialty storeContinue reading “Your Pants Are Made of What?”

A Cautionary Tale

Over the last decade, the precautionary principle –“better safe than sorry”– often has been invoked to justify government regulatory action. According to advocates of this principle, we must protect ourselves from potential environmental threats –such as greenhouse gases, nuclear power, or arsenic in drinking water– even if we are not sure exactly what will beContinue reading “A Cautionary Tale”

Free Market Environmentalism Is a Win-Win for Everyone

When Donald Leal and I wrote our book, Free Market Environmentalism, in 1991, a reviewer said “the title is an oxymoron and the authors are the moron part.” At the time, nearly everyone considered markets the enemy of the environment. But as Bob Dylan put it, “the times they are a-changing.” In the past decadeContinue reading “Free Market Environmentalism Is a Win-Win for Everyone”

PERC’s Don Leal Appointed to IFQ Advisory Panel

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council has appointed PERC Senior Fellow Don Leal to serve on an Ad Hoc Grouper Individual Fishing Quota Advisory Panel. Leal is one of two NGO representatives with Pam Baker of Environmental Defense filling the second position. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is one of eight regionalContinue reading “PERC’s Don Leal Appointed to IFQ Advisory Panel”

Roundtable Discussion of Montana’s Stream Access

September 19, 2005 Hosted by PERC On September 19th PERC hosted a roundtable discussion on the issue of stream access in Montana. Twenty three discussants and 6 observers participated in Bozeman. A wide spectrum of interests was represented, from traditional and new (out-of-state) landowners to public access advocates. The Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department participated,Continue reading “Roundtable Discussion of Montana’s Stream Access”

Eminent Domain and the Aftermath of Kelo v. City of New London

Audio – Chip Mellor (Use Explorer for best results)  In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. City of New London, the flood gates to the abuse of eminent domain for private development are now wide open. Cities can take a person’s home or business and transfer it to a developerContinue reading “Eminent Domain and the Aftermath of Kelo v. City of New London”