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Why our politicized parks suffer

Detroit NewsJuly 18, 2004 By Thomas Bray It’s summertime, and while the political elites are tuning up their fog machines in anticipation of the major party conventions, most Americans are trying to get away from it all. For millions, that means a trip to a national park for a glimpse of the fabled American wilderness.Continue reading “Why our politicized parks suffer”

Decamping Politics From Public Lands

Tacoma News TribuneJuly 4, 2004 By J. Bishop Grewell When a Western Republican senator and the head of the Sierra Club share sound bites, alarms should ring. Currently, just such a duo is undermining one of the most successful initiatives we have seen on our public lands. The two men oppose the congressionally initiated FeeContinue reading “Decamping Politics From Public Lands”