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Economic Report of the President – 2004

Chapter 9: Protecting the Environment Economic growth and environmental improvements go hand-in-hand. Economic growth can lead to increased demand for environmental improvements and can provide the resources that make it possible to address environmental problems. Some policies aimed at promoting environmental improvements can entail substantial economic costs. Misguided policies might actually achieve less environmental progressContinue reading “Economic Report of the President – 2004”

Soaring High

Philanthropy Magazine January/February 2004 By Thomas J. Bray The environmental movement has blossomed into one of the most powerful political, social, and economic forces of our time. As a result, environmental philanthropy had burgeoned to an estimated $3.5 billion a year by the late 1990s. More than 4,000 nonprofit environmental groups, ranging from the well-knownContinue reading “Soaring High”