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The Potential of High Technology for Establishing Tradable Rights to Whales

Chapter 6 from The Technology of Property Rights By Gregory B. Christainsen and Brian C. Gothberg We do not own this Earth, we simply borrow it from our childr Am I prepared to die to defend the whales? The answer is yes. I would consider it an honour to die in their defense.1 – CaptainContinue reading “The Potential of High Technology for Establishing Tradable Rights to Whales”

Home On The Range

In California, conservation easements are saving more than astonishing landscapes; they are saving livelihoods. The California Rangeland Trust is preserving working cattle ranches. The fledgling group was founded in 1998 by the California Cattlemen’s Association with the help of a $400,000 grant from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation. It was prompted in large partContinue reading “Home On The Range”