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Green Places and Open Spaces

By Matthew Brown and Holly Lippke Fretwell To the Reader Public lands are used for countless purposes. They provide recreation to hikers, skiers, and naturalists; they provide habitat for abundant species of wildlife; and through timber and other resources they provide money and jobs for local and state economies. Not surprisingly this variety of usesContinue reading “Green Places and Open Spaces”

Conservative Conservation:

Modest reforms, especially in Interior Department and Forest Service policies, could bring about major advances in achieving environmental goals. This booklet offers concrete proposals for endangered species protection, federal land trusts, grazing permits, recreation fees, and water management. These recommendations can be implemented readily by the Bush administration, in some cases with cooperation from Congress.Continue reading “Conservative Conservation:”

Opponents of “Urban Sprawl” should use market-based solutions

Full Text HTML WASHINGTON, DEC. 21, 2000 – Two high-profile, "anti-sprawl" ballot initiatives in Arizona and Colorado were defeated Nov. 7, but the debate over how-and even whether-to limit suburban growth continues. Enter a new manifesto on the topic: the Lone Mountain Compact. Signed by more than 100 academics, scholars and public policy officials, theContinue reading “Opponents of “Urban Sprawl” should use market-based solutions”

The Lone Mountain Compact:

Lone Mountain Coalition   The phenomenon of urban sprawl has become a pre-eminent controversy throughout the United States. Recently a number of scholars and writers, gathered at a conference about the issue at Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky, Montana by the Political Economy Research Center, decided to distill their conclusions into the following briefContinue reading “The Lone Mountain Compact:”

Turning Wildlife Into An Asset

By J. Bishop Grewell To the Reader How to provide both quality wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities is an increasingly contentious issue in the West. In an effort to achieve these goals governments impose regulations that place restrictions on hunters, landowners, and recreationists. Yet, improvements in wildlife numbers and habitat have been scarce. As J.Continue reading “Turning Wildlife Into An Asset”