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Muck Farm To Eco-Resort

The transition from muck farm to nature-based resort has been a rocky road for Florida’s St. Johns River Water Management District. Despite the rough patches, the resort is in full swing today offering visitors a glimpse of a Florida marsh and its wildlife, while returning profits to the agency. The road to nature tourism beganContinue reading “Muck Farm To Eco-Resort”

Political Environmentalism

Terry L. Anderson, Editor Political Environmentalism documents a range of examples of how politics and environmentalism mix to produce strange bedfellows and equally strange results. The books details how environmental special interests have provided the high moral ground for economic special interests who stand to gain from legislation that hampers competition. Terry Anderson and hisContinue reading “Political Environmentalism”

Harvesting Toxic Waste

Bananas are growing in a mine drainage tunnel in Leadville, Colo. Along with carrots, spinach, beets, and broccoli, these crops may provide the solution to cleaning up one of the nation’s most polluted Superfund sites. Entrepreneur Frank Burcik, president of Water Treatment and Decontamination International, created the underground greenhouse to remove toxic heavy metals fromContinue reading “Harvesting Toxic Waste”