The Natural Resource Defense Council and economist Clark Wiseman go head to head over the environmental costs of recycling.
Author Archives: admin
Don Leal on Self-Supporting National Parks
July 10, 1997 Statement for the Subcommittee on Parks and Public Lands By Donald R. Leal PERC Senior Associate “I believe the time will come when Yellowstone, Yosemite, Mount Rainier, Sequoia, and General Grant national parks and probably one or more members of the system will yield sufficient revenue to cover costs of administration andContinue reading “Don Leal on Self-Supporting National Parks”
Back to the Future to Save Our Parks
Our national parks are in trouble. Their roads, historic buildings, visitor facilities, and water and sewer systems are falling apart. What has gone wrong?
Priming the Invisible Pump
Rain and snow may be falling today, but throughout the world, people continually fear the threat of water shortages. Is there too little water for the world's growing population? Are we running out of water?
Winter Kill in Yellowstone
Wall Street JournalJanuary 28, 1997 By Holly Lippke Fretwell and Linda Platts BOZEMAN, Mont. – So far this winter more than 700 Yellowstone National Park bison have been shot on sight or shipped to slaughterhouses as they searched for food outside the park. The purpose of this bloodletting is to prevent the spread of infectiousContinue reading “Winter Kill in Yellowstone”
Breaking the Environmental Policy Gridlock
Terry L. Anderson, Editor Although the U.S. Congress has made progress toward fundamental change in economic and social programs, it remains gridlocked when it comes to creating needed environmental policy reform. This book shows how policymakers and opinion leaders can break the gridlock and offers specific policy recommendations that will be palatable to voters acrossContinue reading “Breaking the Environmental Policy Gridlock”
Water Markets:
Water MarketsPriming the Invisible Pump Terry L. Anderson and Pamela S. Snyder Since Water Crisis: Ending the Policy Drought was first published in 1983, water markets have been transformed from the theoretical to the practical. Today, water marketing is being used to improve both water allocation and water quality. This book details the enormous numberContinue reading “Water Markets:”
More Books by PERC Authors and Editors: Beyond Politics: Markets, Welfare, and the Failure of Bureaucracy, by William C. Mitchell and Randy T. Simmons, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994. What Everyone Should Know About Economics and Prosperity, James D.Gwartney and Richard L. Stroup Bozeman, MT.: PERC,1993. The Birth of a Transfer Society, by Terry L.Continue reading “Economics:”
Environmental Federalism
Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Editors Twenty-five years of centralization has produced “one-size-fits-all” environmental regulations which are extremely costly. While recognizing that most externalities cross state boundaries, the authors argue that most problems can be solved at the state or local level and consider a range of resource issues, including land, water, wildlife,Continue reading “Environmental Federalism”
Water Marketing–The Next Generation
Water Marketing– The Next Generation Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Editors With this book, PERC continues to produce innovative solutions to water problems. In addition to considering how institutional impediments to markets might be removed, the volume emphasizes how cross-border allocation can be improved. Specific examples include water marketing in Australia, the centralContinue reading “Water Marketing–The Next Generation”