Rancher and enviropreneur Jeff Lazslo forged partnerships with public and private funders to restore a huge wetland that now flourishes with fish, wildlife, and plants.
Author Archives: admin
Pop-up Wetlands for Migratory Birds
A conservation program pays farmers to create habitat on demand.
Confessions of a Free Market Environmentalist
The federal government can help produce fish and wildlife habitat.
Slowing Ships for Whales
Maritime industry protects marine mammals.
Paying to Play in the Great Outdoors
Hunters and anglers help fund public land conservation. Should others pitch in?
A Debate as Old as Economics
What the birth of free-market economics can teach us about today’s natural resource policies.
Pulse Flow on the Colorado
Water markets reconnect the Colorado to the Pacific.
The Economics of Land-Use Regulations
A new study says a little less might be better.
The 21st Century Wharf
A “right to reef out” could encourage private investments in coastal restoration.
Further towards a theory of the emergence of property
Abstract This article explores the emergence of property as a moral convention. To understand this process I make use of several laboratory experiments on property in its nascence. These experiments illustrate how a rule of property arises from our knowledge of what is morally right, and not vice versa. I also argue that while theContinue reading “Further towards a theory of the emergence of property”