How well does enforcement of the Endangered Species Act preserve wildlife habitat? On the John Batchelor show, Terry Anderson talks about how the ESA has affected spotted owls, bald eagles, silver grayling, and wolves.
Author Archives: admin
Environmental Entrepreneurship: now in paperback
From Africa and South America, to China and the American West, Laura Huggins visits some of the poorest parts of the world to illustrate how local entrepreneurs enhance environmental quality and create wealth. Her book, Environmental Entrepreneurship, is now available in paperback.
Are All Commons Tragedies? Bison in the 19th Century
The near extermination of the North American bison is widely viewed as a classic example of the tragedy of the commons. In the Independent Review, P.J. Hill argues that even if there had been well-defined and enforced property rights, cattle would still have replaced bison on the Great Plains.
Endangering the Endangered
While the Endangered Species Act has led to habitat destruction, private solutions give us reason to be hopeful. In South Africa’s Wildlife Ranching magazine, Terry Anderson explains how Texan ranchers brought the scimitar-horned oryx back from the brink of extinction.
The West Needs a Water Market to Fight Drought
In the Wall Street Journal, Gary Libecap and Robert Glennon discuss the West’s outdated water laws. A policy overhaul, they argue, would allow efficient water markets and reward conservation.
When the Endangered Species Act Threatens Wildlife
In the Wall Street Journal, Terry Anderson examines how landowners have managed wildlife habitat under the ESA and suggests heavy-handed enforcement has discouraged private conservation efforts.
Would Outsourcing Parks Solve The National Park Service’s Financial Woes?
The National Park Service faces fiscal challenges. Would a franchise model help some parks increase long-term revenues? National Parks Traveler’s Kurt Repanshek and PERC’s Holly Fretwell explore possible solutions.
Market Solutions Trump EPA Regulations | Stossel
Long before the EPA was a glint in anyone’s eye, property rights were dealing with pollution issues. Watch as PERC’s Terry Anderson discusses free market solutions to pollution and other environmental conflicts with John Stossel on Fox Business Network.
Pollution Confusion | Stossel
We make the mistake sometimes of assuming that the way you clean the environment is just adding another regulation. Watch as PERC senior fellow Jonathan Adler discusses the confusion about pollution and why he is unhappy with the EPA’s new rules with John Stossel on Fox Business Network.
Wilderness as economic stimulus? A closer look at the evidence
As hard-fought wilderness bills languish in Congress, some are claiming that wilderness areas are good for local economies. But what does the research actually say about the economic effects of wilderness designations?