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Innovation Overcomes Scarcity: Nickel Pig Iron Edition

What does “nickel pig iron” have to do with free market environmentalism? It provides an excellent example of how markets and, in particular, rising commodity prices spur innovation and resource conservation. This recent article from the Wall Street Journal describes how nickel, a metal used to make stainless steel, became increasingly scarce in recent years. TheContinue reading “Innovation Overcomes Scarcity: Nickel Pig Iron Edition”

Q&A with Stephen Arbogast on the Future of Global Energy Markets

What’s ahead for global energy markets? How will the U.S. shale revolution affect our energy future? To find out, we asked Stephen Arbogast, an expert with more than thirty years of experience in finance working with the energy sector. As Prof. Arbogast explains, when it comes to global energy markets, the next decade will lookContinue reading “Q&A with Stephen Arbogast on the Future of Global Energy Markets”