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Celebrating Aldo Leopold’s 127th Birthday

Aldo Leopold is considered an icon of the environmental movement―primarily for his call for a heightened environmental consciousness in the form of a “land ethic.”  Leopold writes, if people would learn to “think like a mountain,” they would better understand the complexity of environmental systems and could better conserve them.  Developing such a consciousness is obviouslyContinue reading “Celebrating Aldo Leopold’s 127th Birthday”

Innovation Overcomes Scarcity: Nickel Pig Iron Edition

What does “nickel pig iron” have to do with free market environmentalism? It provides an excellent example of how markets and, in particular, rising commodity prices spur innovation and resource conservation. This recent article from the Wall Street Journal describes how nickel, a metal used to make stainless steel, became increasingly scarce in recent years. TheContinue reading “Innovation Overcomes Scarcity: Nickel Pig Iron Edition”