As oil continues to gush from BP’s Macondo well and politicians posture, it is time for us to ask why we are drilling in such risky places when there is oil available elsewhere. The answer lies in the mantra NIMBY—”not in my back yard.” BP was drilling for oil in 5,000 feet of water inContinue reading “Why It’s Safer to Drill in the ‘Backyard’”
Author Archives: admin
Board Profile
FRED E. KARLINSKY Although Fred spends most of the year in Florida, he and his family enjoy spending time in the sleepy ghost town of Virginia City, Montana. An avid fly and ice fisherman, as well as a winter recreationalist, PERC Board Meetings offer Fred another great opportunity to return to Big Sky Country andContinue reading “Board Profile”
The Grand Canyon of Property Rights
The “Skywalk” project could help lift 2,100 tribal members out of poverty, but a legal dispute may have killed the goose that could lay golden eggs. Worse yet, this could stifle investment across Indian Country.
Environment and Liberty Learn More
Few issues are more partisan than environmental policy. On the left, capitalism is seen as the catalyst for environmental problems, ranging from uncontrolled local development to global climate change. Economic benefits are assumed to always come with environmental costs. And for every such cost there is a political solution that calls for more government spending,Continue reading “Environment and Liberty Learn More”
Stream Access Position Statement
Stream access is a confusing and controversial topic. PERC has waded into the stream access debate to provide a free market environmentalist perspective.
Property Rights Are for Everyone
Private ownership is the key to good resource stewardship. As Terry Anderson explains, stream access laws undermine property rights and reduce landowners’ incentives to provide habitat for fish and wildlife.
The Benefits of Conservation Markets for Coral Reef Restoration in Florida
Markets and, in particular, user fees could reverse the deterioration of Florida’s coral reefs.
Jewell in the Rough?
Few political issues are more partisan than environmental policy. Environmentalists on the left see economic success as the antithesis of environmental stewardship and conservatives on the right see environmental policies as hostile to free enterprise. Interior Secretary nominee Sally Jewell, however, sheds light on a more rewarding approach. Although politically unknown, Jewell is known forContinue reading “Jewell in the Rough?”
Book review: ‘Drinking Water: A History’ by Lone Mountain Fellow James Salzman
A splendid primer that covers a wide range of questions relating to drinking water including historical and ethical issues.
Board Profile
Meet PERC’s Board Member Frank-Paul King! F-P visits his family ranch in Montana as often as he can. The ranch is near the old town of Cameron,—population 10—which consists of the Blue Moon Saloon and a post office.