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GreenFaith: Enviropreneur Showcase

This video showcases PERC Enviropreneur Institute alum Fletcher Harper, his organization GreenFaith, and the innovative ways in which religion, ecology, and economics can be combined to forge creative environmental solutions. The PERC Enviropreneur Institute has been empowering environmental entrepreneurs for twelve years in the application of property, contracts, and markets to enhance environmental assets. 

The Statues that Walked

As part of PERC’s Lone Mountain Forum, “Reconciling Economics and Ecology,” Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo discuss their new book The Statues that Walked: Unraveling the Mysteries of Easter Island. The bottom line: local problems call for local solutions.

Daylight-Saving Time Is Past Its Prime

Saturday night marks the end of daylight-saving time for 2012. Time for those clocks to “fall back” an hour to standard time, when the sun really is highest at high noon. An extra hour of cold, dark fall mornings is probably the last thing you look forward to when you first wake up—or when you’reContinue reading “Daylight-Saving Time Is Past Its Prime”

Environmental Protection Up in Smoke

When the wildfires that are burning millions of acres in the West are finally smothered by winter snows, environmentalists undoubtedly will blame climate change. They might look in the mirror instead. Environmental laws since the 1970s require public input into federal land-use decisions including logging on national forests. This has led to lawsuits challenging effortsContinue reading “Environmental Protection Up in Smoke”

The Legacy of the Clean Water Act

Outreach associate, David Currie talks with Alan Girard (Chesapeake Bay Foundation) and Joan Mulhern (Earth Justice) on the Marc Steiner Show. Together they consider the legacy of the Clean Water Act on its 40th anniversary.