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Raising Coral, Restoring Reefs

PERC Enviropreneur Institute alum Brett Howell is developing a market for coral reef restoration off Florida’s coast. If the reefs rebound and new coral grows, they will not only improve the habitat for marine animals but also improve business prospects for dive shops, fishing boats, and ocean side hotels and restaurants.

The D.C. Circuit’s Greenhouse Gas Decision

Today’s decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Coalition for Responsible Regulation v. EPA is quite significant for environmental law. The court turned away the state and industry challenges to the EPA’s decision to begin regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. The only element of the decision that is at allContinue reading “The D.C. Circuit’s Greenhouse Gas Decision”

Support Subsidies, Pay Less for Subsidized Service

Gary Leff reports on a new Amtrak program whereby those who join the National Association of Railroad Passengers, a D.C.-based “advocacy organization” that supports greater Amtrak subsidies, get special discounts on Amtrak tickets. Leff comments: Whatever you think of government funding for train travel in the United States, is it problematic that a government corporation will giveContinue reading “Support Subsidies, Pay Less for Subsidized Service”