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Bringing market-based solutions underwater

A lot has been written about PERC’s Enviropreneur Institute lately – and for good reason. While many alarmists tout the demise of clean air, protected forests, and endangered animals, enviropreneurs work to find viable market solutions for improving environmental quality. As Co-Director of PEI Reed Watson notes: What distinguishes enviropreneurs from other environmentalists? One answerContinue reading “Bringing market-based solutions underwater”

Q&A with Shira Kronich on Peace Building Through Wastewater Treatment

PERC Enviropreneur Institute 2011 alumna Shira Kronich is working to find solutions to shared environmental problems in the Middle East. As a project manager for the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies in Southern Israel, Kronich coordinates the first UNDP trans-boundary Israeli-Palestinian project, “Peace Building through Wastewater Treatment.” The tensions in the Middle East are exacerbatedContinue reading “Q&A with Shira Kronich on Peace Building Through Wastewater Treatment”

Q & A with Kelly Sands Siragusa on Conservation Banking

For more of PERC’s ongoing Q&A series visit   Kelly Sands Siragusa is the Conservation/Mitigation Manager for Corblu Ecology‚ LLC‚ a private firm in Atlanta‚ Georgia‚ that specializes in ecosystem restoration and mitigation banking. Siragusa came to PERC’s Enviropreneur™ Institute (PEI ) in 2011 to focus on emerging market-based approaches for nutrient reductions andContinue reading “Q & A with Kelly Sands Siragusa on Conservation Banking”