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Q&A with Bart Wilson on Experimental Economics and Property Rights

Bart Wilson is a Lone Mountain Fellow at PERC working on a project investigating the territorial foundations of human property via experimental economics. As part of his research, Dr. Wilson actually placed the PERC staff in a virtual economic terrarium—results to follow! His academic home is in the Economic Science Institute (ESI) at Chapman UniversityContinue reading “Q&A with Bart Wilson on Experimental Economics and Property Rights”

A Changing Paradigm for National Forest Management

The National Forests cover 8 percent of the nation, an area about the size of Texas. All public lands make up about one-third of the nation’s timberland. Timberland is differentiated from forestland by its ability to provide commercially valuable timber. The last several decades have seen a management paradigm shift on national timberlands from commodityContinue reading “A Changing Paradigm for National Forest Management”

Considering the Costs of Climate Adaptation

Yesterday afternoon I attended a lecture by Michael Greenstone, the 3M Professor of Environmental Economics and former chief economist of the Council of Economic Advisers during the first year of the Obama Administration, addressing the question, “Will Adaptation Save Us from Climate Change?” This lecture was the keynote address at a PERC workshop on “Human Adaptation to Climate Change” I’veContinue reading “Considering the Costs of Climate Adaptation”

Public-Private partners restore wetland

Jeff Laszlo knew that to keep the family ranch, he needed to chnage his operations. By recognizing the environmental assets on his ranch and forging partnerships with public and private funders he restored a huge wetland that now flourishes with fish, wilflife and plants. By investing in conservation, he has saved his ranch and increased his income.

Human Adaptation to Climate Change

Bozeman, Montana July 31 – August 2, 2010 Directed by Daniel Benjamin, Matthew Turner, and Matthew Kahn Agenda Papers Introduction A PERC Lone Mountain Forum titled “Human Adaptation to Climate Change,” will be held July 31–August 2, 2011, at the PERC office in Bozeman, Montana.                      The focus of the ForumContinue reading “Human Adaptation to Climate Change”