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A Closer Look at State Park Budgets

Most state park systems are largely dependent upon general fund appropriations, which are supported by tax dollars, and dedicated funds for operating and capital expenditures. When state budgets are tight these funds are often swept away from parks to help fund other state priorities. The threat of park closures and cuts in park services areContinue reading “A Closer Look at State Park Budgets”

Shoot an Elephant, Save a Community?

Today in Defining Ideas PERC’s Terry Anderson and Shawn Regan point out that when GoDaddy CEO Bob Parson’s video of himself shooting a bull elephant in Zimbabwe went viral it unleashed a stampede of criticism and a campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) urging people to drop their GoDaddy accounts. To the non-hunter, suchContinue reading “Shoot an Elephant, Save a Community?”

Kenyan parks face development pressure

Kenya might make 20 times more money from the Masai Mara Game Reserve, which is just a sixth of Tanzania’s Serengeti, but this, reports Special Correspondent WYCLIFFE MUGA, comes at a huge environmental cost .   By Wycliffe Muga PERC Media Fellow In what amounted to a direct challenge thrown at Kenyan tourism in February,Continue reading “Kenyan parks face development pressure”

Do federal land programs crowd out private land conservation?

What effect do U.S. federal land programs have on private conservation? A new paper by PERC fellows Nick Parker and Wally Thurman examines how private land trusts respond to changes in the federal estate and federal conservation programs. In particular, the authors ask whether increases in government land conservation “crowd out” private land trust conservation.Continue reading “Do federal land programs crowd out private land conservation?”