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Does the government perpetuate American Indian poverty?

Fox Business News correspondent John Stossel ignited a fire under many viewers when he accused American Indians of being government freeloaders. He returned to that issue in early May with a debate between PERC’s Terry Anderson and Indian activist Elizabeth Homer. Anderson is a noted expert on Indian economies. He points an accusing finger at the governmentContinue reading “Does the government perpetuate American Indian poverty?”

Tribute to P.J. Hill

There are a few very special teachers of economics.  Paul Heyne was one.  Ken Elzinga is another. And PJ Hill is another. That’s Pete Boettke commemorating the teaching career of PERC’s very own P.J. Hill, who is retiring from teaching at Wheaton College this week. Here is an excellent tribute to Prof. Hill written by a former student.Continue reading “Tribute to P.J. Hill”