A synthetic alternative to horseshoe crab blood could spare the arthropods from the medical testing supply chain—just one example of innovations indirectly aiding species.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
A Summer of Forest Litigation
A small collection of litigants continues to derail forest management efforts with lawsuits—jeopardizing the environment they claim to be protecting.
New Report Outlines 10 Solutions for Improving the Endangered Species Act for its 50th Anniversary
Ahead of the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act this December, a new report from PERC, explores creative ideas to improve the landmark law’s conservation outcomes.
A Field Guide for Wildlife Recovery
The Endangered Species Act’s Elusive Search to Recover Species—and What to Do About It.
Robert Exley McCormick, PERC Senior Fellow, 1946-2023
What truly distinguished Bobby was his generosity of spirit.
In Memoriam: Bobby McCormick
The PERC family is saddened to share that PERC senior fellow Robert “Bobby” McCormick has passed away.
PERC Launches New Conservation Innovation Lab
Conservationist Travis Brammer to lead new home for groundbreaking field projects that prototype creative solutions to protect land, water, and wildlife.
Critical Habitat Designations Should Focus on the Greatest Conservation Benefit
A public comment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the proposed listing and designating critical habitat rule.
A Blanket 4(d) Rule Doesn’t Incentivize Recovery
A public comment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opposing the proposed reinstatement of the “blanket rule.”
Grizzly Conflict Reduction Grazing Agreement
Conservation groups support ranchers’ innovative approach to reduce conflict with at-risk wildlife