Killer whales in the Salish Sea are struggling with a growing problem: shipping noise. Could markets help quiet their submarine world?
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
The Flow of the Future
From the headwaters to coastal riverbeds, water markets are boosting streamflows throughout the Pacific Northwest to benefit salmon and other fish species
Forest Fight
When litigation pays better than conservation
Conservation and Conflict in the Land of Giants
Rather than a place to be tamed, the Pacific Northwest remains a confluence of people and wildlife who share this magnificent spot on the map
Conservation Conflict
Managing wildlife and parks in the Pacific Northwest
Snapshots: Winter 2024
Examples from around the world of creative conservation in action
Whose Wild Fish Is It Anyway?
Lessons from the commercial and recreational rivalries in the Gulf of Mexico could benefit Pacific Northwest fisheries
Make America’s National Parks Great Again
It’s time to fix the fundamental maintenance strategy and properly care for all of our national parks.
A Broken NEPA Process Doesn’t Help Conservation
Although the law’s purpose is laudable, the court’s interpretation threatens to render an already taxing process totally unworkable.
New Fund Offers Relief for Wyoming Ranchers Facing Wildlife Disease Risk
Ranchers and Conservationists behind East Yellowstone Brucellosis Compensation Fund aim to address challenges of elk migrations on private lands