The new report offers 8 ideas to bolster confidence in the Park Service’s ability to be an effective steward of public lands funding.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
A Path Forward for America’s Best Idea
Lessons Learned for Our National Parks From the Great American Outdoors Act
Great American Outdoors Act 1.0 in Action
GAOA Project Snapshots
The Creation and Extent of America’s First Environmental Agencies
An academic paper exploring why administrative agencies expand and shrink.
Do Environmental Agencies Actually Help The Environment?
PERC Senior Fellow Nick Parker joins The Curious Task podcast.
A Guide for Implementing Conservation Leasing
Conservation leasing is emerging as a new way to conserve public lands, and changing the way we think about land use in the process.
Diversifying State Trust Land Revenue Through Conservation Uses
This policy brief explores the challenges and opportunities of conservation use on state trust lands.
Pricing Conservation Leases
This policy brief attempts to provide guidance for government agencies considering how to price conservation bids for leases on public lands.
Rewarding Recovery Will Benefit the Wolf and All Imperiled Wildlife
PERC filed an amicus brief in Defenders of Wildlife v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
BLM’s Conservation and Landscape Health Rule: A Debate
PERC makes the case for leasing federal land for conservation