People and wildlife need to successfully coexist in Montana, and we hope area residents can continue to work together to solve the complex problems facing our region.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
Remembering Richard Stroup
A tribute to one of PERC’s founding fathers
Good Neighbor Authority
Continuing Good Neighbor Authority as a tool for forest management will help conserve Montana’s forests and reduce the costs Montanans bear each fire season.
Environmentalists Should Be Able to Bid for Oil Leases
Getting rid of use-it-or-lose-it rules will be a win-win for free markets and the environment.
Elk Occupancy Agreement Pioneers Private Conservation of Elk Habitat
PERC and GYC have partnered to implement the first elk occupancy agreement in the northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Elk Occupancy Agreements
PERC and GYC have partnered with a family ranch to enact the first elk occupancy agreement in the northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Elk Occupancy Agreements
Flexible conservation tools that pay rent for elk.
In Conservation Efforts, US Must Support African Countries
To restore America’s position as a global conservation leader, Congress should avoid adopting arbitrary bans on the importation of hunting trophies.
Litigating to Make Forest Management Worse
Managing forests is more than putting out fires, and excessive litigation can make the risk and consequences of wildfire worse.
Transferable Landowner Hunting Permits in Montana
A Roadmap for the State