Fee revenues not only help manage the snowballing costs of visitor impacts amidst record attendance, they can also ensure we preserve parks into the future.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
Tending National Parks: What would you pay?
Watch PERC’s latest short film that explores how user fees can empower park visitors to directly contribute to the care and maintenance of our national parks.
Improve Policies to Reduce the Risk of Future Catastrophic Wildfires
After a summer of flames and smoke, policymakers can—and must—improve policies to reduce the risk of future catastrophic wildfires.
Public Comment Supporting American Prairie Reserve’s Bison Change of Use
PERC weighs in on how to encourage voluntary conservation by private landowners.
Transferable Landowner Hunting Tags Have Potential
Montana needs new, collaborative solutions that address the needs of landowners while enhancing wildlife conservation.
Transferable Hunting Permit Programs Can Be a Vital Tool for Conservation
PERC’s latest policy brief reviews several different state transferable hunting tag programs and identifies how best to craft a program that promotes wildlife habitat conservation.
Conserving Wildlife Habitat with Landowner Hunting Permits
Lessons from western states to enhance voluntary conservation on private lands.
Do Environmental Markets Improve on Open Access? Evidence from California Groundwater Rights
Abstract Environmental markets are widely prescribed as an alternative to open access regimes for natural resources. We develop a model of dynamic groundwater extraction to demonstrate how a spatial regression discontinuity design that exploits a spatially incomplete market for groundwater rights recovers a lower bound on the market’s net benefit. We apply this estimator toContinue reading “Do Environmental Markets Improve on Open Access? Evidence from California Groundwater Rights”
Efficiency Implications of Trading in a Bifurcated Market
An analysis of the frequency of trading and the causes of price dispersion for short-term water leases in the Edwards Aquifer in Texas.
Private Conservation Efforts Offer Answers to Our Environmental Challenges
A podcast discussing environmental policy under the Biden administration.