Water markets help the West cope with supply-side shocks and evolving demands.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
Harnessing the Heat Beneath Our Feet
How lessons from the shale oil revolution could help us access geothermal energy—and provide clean power—virtually anywhere on the planet.
When Governments Make Wildfires Worse
Nudging people to dismiss risk by making it cheaper and easier for them to live in fire-prone areas helps no one.
The Irreplaceable Leigh H. Perkins
A tribute to PERC’s longest serving board member.
Examples of free market environmentalism in action.
Hybrids, Humans, and the Future of Conservation
A conversation with ecologist Peter Kareiva.
Cars Get Safer in a ‘Landscape of Fear’
New research shows how wolves are generating large benefits by keeping deer out of headlights.
Elk in Paradise: Rancher, Ecologist, Hunter
Watch PERC’s short film that tells the story of how private lands hold the key to conserving elk migration corridors in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Public Comment on the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Incentive Program
The BLM and the Wild Horse and Burro Program should focus their efforts on assuring and enhancing the integrity of the Adoption Incentive Payment program through enforcement, rather than heeding calls to dismantle the program as a whole.
C-SPAN: Reduce Regulatory Barriers to Mitigate Wildfire Risk
PERC research fellow Holly Fretwell appears on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss how we can foster resilient forests and mitigate wildfire risk.