PERC Senior Fellow Nick Parker joins The Curious Task podcast.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
A Guide for Implementing Conservation Leasing
Conservation leasing is emerging as a new way to conserve public lands, and changing the way we think about land use in the process.
Diversifying State Trust Land Revenue Through Conservation Uses
This policy brief explores the challenges and opportunities of conservation use on state trust lands.
Pricing Conservation Leases
This policy brief attempts to provide guidance for government agencies considering how to price conservation bids for leases on public lands.
Rewarding Recovery Will Benefit the Wolf and All Imperiled Wildlife
PERC filed an amicus brief in Defenders of Wildlife v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
BLM’s Conservation and Landscape Health Rule: A Debate
PERC makes the case for leasing federal land for conservation
The Search for Markets to Help Manage California’s Groundwater
What role have groundwater market actually played in implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act?
How Wild Horse Adoptions Conserve Public Lands and Save Millions of Dollars
The adoption incentive program is on track to place more than 30,000 animals into private homes during its first decade and save taxpayers more than $800 million in lifetime costs.
SCOTUS Has an Opportunity to Make NEPA Work for Conservation
PERC has filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to adopt a workable interpretation of NEPA.
A New Idea to Conserve Public Lands
The New York Times: Conservation is a legitimate use of public lands that people should be empowered to pursue.