Let’s do what we can to ensure that every visitor enjoys our national parks at their best by implementing a modest international visitor surcharge.
Author Archives: Kat Dwyer
America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act, Explained
Amidst so much posturing and conflict over wildlife policy, this bill is a substantive and serious solution that addresses real conservation challenges.
Sharing and Expanding the Co-Benefits of Conservation
An academic paper published by the journal Ecological Economics
Enhancing Forest Restoration With the Root and Stem Act
A congressional testimony submitted to the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee
The Partners Who Make a Difference
Thanks to key partners, we’re ushering in a new era of cooperative, voluntary conservation.
PERC Research on Voluntary Conservation on Federal Grazing Lands Earns Praise from Prestigious Institutions
PERC’s scholarship reaches across traditional partisan lines, offering smart ideas and innovations that appeal to a broad spectrum of stakeholders.
New Report Examines How an International Surcharge Can Help Steward Our National Parks
An international surcharge could raise an estimated $330 million, nearly doubling recreation fee revenue for the park system.
How Overseas Visitors Can Help Steward Our National Parks
Many parks around the world charge international tourists more than residents. Doing the same here could help fund critical maintenance and conservation needs
Introducing Winter Range
A conservation collaboration between PERC and Wyoming Whiskey
Welcome to Paradise
Prime habitat for elk in Montana’s Paradise Valley means headaches for ranchers there. PERC’s work to reward the private stewardship—and public benefits—that working lands provide on Yellowstone’s northern doorstep sets the stage for conservation innovation