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A Montana State of Mind

Brett Howell is a recent graduate of PERC’s 2011 Enviropreneur Institute. The following originally appeared on Gaia Endeavors. I am just back from an incredible 2+ weeks in beautiful Bozeman, Montana, at PERC’s Enviropreneur Institute (PEI). The experience was life- changing for me. Through the program I greatly advanced an idea I have been developing aroundContinue reading “A Montana State of Mind”

What does it mean to be an environmentalist?

by Michael H. Higuera Environmentalism is commonly thought of as a social movement. Social movements consist of a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain goals. Broadly speaking, environmentalists try to promote conservation and protection of the environment. I’ve identified myself with this movement since I was about fourteenContinue reading “What does it mean to be an environmentalist?”

Water As A Crop™: Where Ideas Hold Water

by Steve Parrett People across America and around the world are experiencing stress due to alarming fluctuations in freshwater supplies. The problem is not new; past civilizations exceeded Mother Nature’s bounty, then crumbled or fled in a desperate search for water. Despite our ability to capture water in reservoirs, we struggle to wrap our handsContinue reading “Water As A Crop™: Where Ideas Hold Water”

Playing Chicken with the Department of Ag

by Paul Schwennesen Josh is a Mennonite friend who happens, by the grace of native talent and a powerful work ethic, to produce magnificent chickens. Raised on green growing pasture, they are never medicated, never fed artificial supplements or genetically selected to grow abnormally fast. They develop rich golden fat and a deep flavor; characteristics thatContinue reading “Playing Chicken with the Department of Ag”

Where’s the grass-fed beef?

by Cory Carman  Over the past few decades, a dichotomy has emerged in American agriculture. On one hand, large agribusinesses and their highly efficient processing and distribution systems bring affordable food to every corner of the country. On the other, small-scale farmers provide healthy, local food to an increasing number of consumers who value it.Continue reading “Where’s the grass-fed beef?”