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Forest Policy Up in Smoke:

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT September 2007 By Alison Berry Abstract Forests evolved over millennia in the presence of fire, a vital ecological processΒ­fire returns nutrients to the soil and helps seedlings establish. In 1911 the United States Forest Service began to suppress all fires on American forests, resulting in dangerous accumulations of fuels. […]

Published on: September 17, 2007

Environmentalism Enviropreneur Style

Brian Yablonski’s article, β€œBisonomics,” relates to free market environmentalism (FME) in many ways. First, bison epitomize the tragedy of the commons. As a quote Brian uses from Recreation magazine in 1901 so aptly described: β€œA wild buffalo is looked on as a small fortune walking around without an owner.” It was not just that […]

Published on: September 1, 2007

Save a Species, Save on Taxes

[…] conflicts between the ESA and human activities, in particular military training and operations. The Senate bill is S. 700; the House proposal is H.R. 1422 In another study, which relied on questionnaires rather than raw data on habitat modification, University of Michigan scientists concluded that the 1998 listing of the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse […]

Published on: September 1, 2007


[…] started by Owen McShane and Wallace Kaufman (PERC welcomes readers’ entries): SOLAR ENERGY: radiation from a centrally located nuclear reactor that provides the primary support for all plant life, and that has recently been converted to electricity in extremely small quantities. DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE(DHMO): an often toxic chemical responsible for many deaths a year; less […]

Published on: September 1, 2007


[…] water may follow a flood-eroded channel into the Atchafalaya, preventing the Corps from stuffing the genie back into the bottle. The mortal threats are avoidable, but Corps plans perversely encourage people to return to the Lower Mississippi Valley rather than to remain where they found shelter following Hurricane Katrina. Caution: Tectonic Plates at Play […]

Published on: September 1, 2007

Do Profits Promote Pollution? The Myth of the Environmental Race to the Bottom

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT Environmentalists, politicians, and scholars express concern about a β€œrace to the bottom” in environmental policy. They fear that competition between countries (or states or cities) for firms and investment may lead to excessively lax environmental standards. Yet economic theory indicates that a race to the bottom in environmental policy […]

Published on: August 1, 2007

The Origins of Beliefs

[…] property rights within a society actually changes people’s beliefs, to make them much more favorably disposed to the workings of a free market. Di Tella et al. study the formation of beliefs in a squatter settlement on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. More than 20 years ago, hundreds of families occupied an area of […]

Published on: June 1, 2007