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Letters to the Editor

[…] Buenos Aires, Argentina Musings of a loyal reader I am a loyal reader of PERC Reports. The spring 2007 issue got me thinking of my involvement in free market environmentalism during my 35 years as a wildlife biologist. It rang a lot of bells. For about 15 years I have been writing for that […]

Published on: June 1, 2007

Only a Market Can Clean Up the Bay

[…] needed to apply tertiary treatment to the point sources in theΒ  Chesapeake Bay watershed, that investment would not solve the problem. All of the waste water treatment plants in the Bay watershed now have β€œsecondary” treatment to substantially degradethe biological content of the sewage, much of which is derived from human and food waste. […]

Published on: June 1, 2007

A Tub of Soy Please

[…] engine looks like? Some kind folks have taken pity on the rest of the population. Two entrepreneurs joined forces to form Neoteric Biofuels, which does business as PlantDrive ( to provide instructions for converting a diesel engine to a vegetable oil-burning motor. Instructions as well as technical assistance are available online, and PlantDrive products […]

Published on: June 1, 2007

The Shirt Off My Back

[…] a polyester blouse uses less energy than your t-shirt. Β While people have become increasingly environmentally conscious, fluorescent bulbs are lighting homes and offices across the country, and free-range chickens are on the family dinner table, it remains difficult, and sometimes impossible, to buy an item of clothing in a department store and know whether […]

Published on: June 1, 2007

Buy That Fish A Drink

[…] lifeblood of the American West. It turns barren landscapes into fertile oases of food and fiber, provides flowing paths for migrating fish, and supports complex ecosystems for plants and animals. The West is changing, however, and its most precious resource is increasingly being used for other purposesβ€”primarily being pulled from streams to support burgeoning […]

Published on: June 1, 2007

Remediators Win Award for “Best New Business”

[…] the Navy that is interested in testing a cleanup using innovative tech can use its service for remediation without putting it out to bid. Sam Nugent, on of the founding partners of The Remediators he participated in PERC’s enviropreneur program in 2003Β in Bozeman, Montana. His business success is proof that it is possible for […]

Published on: May 10, 2007

Templeton Freedom Awards

[…] McCormick, director of the Enviropreneur Camp The Camp won Templeton’s highest distinction this year because it “encourages participants to discover how individual initiative, property rights, and the free market can be used to solve environmental problems.” The Enviropreneur Camp, sponsored by PERCβ€”the Property and Environment Research Center, is an intense two-week educational experience in […]

Published on: March 12, 2007

Who Benefits From Kenya’s Wildlife?

East African Standard March 6, 2007 Applying free market ideas to wildlife conservation By Joseph Magiri Are economic growth and environmental conservation mutually exclusive? Animal rights activists hold they are. Free market environmentalists say they are not. In his groundbreaking research Professor Terry L. Anderson, an environment economist at Stanford University shows that market […]

Published on: March 6, 2007

These Lands are Your Lands

Why free market environmentalism is the magnum opus of a new generation of greens.

Published on: March 1, 2007


[…] of entrepreneurship in our country. FME has stood the test of time and continues to be a guiding light. Congratulations, guys … you ROCK! β€”Chuck Leavel Charlane Plantation and Evergreen Arts Keyboardist, The Rolling Stones Fifteen years ago Terry Anderson and Don Leal were taking ideas that were outside the pale of public discourse, […]

Published on: March 1, 2007