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A Modern Potlatch?

British Columbia could resolve its conflicts over salmon by an auction that resembles the ‘rivalry potlatches’ of the past.

Published on: June 1, 2006

Cows, Canoes, and Condos: Blending the Old West with the New

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT In the past, the economy of the western United States depended on converting natural resources into lumber, metals, and hydroelectricity. More recently, the relationship to natural resources has moved from extraction toward protection. But this shift has led to acrimony and gridlock. Surprisingly, the experience of the past can […]

Published on: May 1, 2006

A Kernel Of Support For Ethanol?

Are subsidies for ethanol somewhat different from other subsidies???in other words, not all that bad? In this free-flowing dialogue, free market environmentalists debate the issue.

Published on: March 19, 2006

Forever Blue, Forever Green

[…] akin to Glenn Gould playing Bach’s Goldberg Variations. While listening, I did not pay much attention to the text printed on the inside of the case: β€œ PLANT A TREE.” I did not know until recently that Leavell is a serious forester. He and Rose Lane Leavell, his wife of thirty years, manage family […]

Published on: March 19, 2006

Are The Ethanol Wars Over?

Are subsidies for ethanol somewhat different from other subsidies???in other words, not all that bad? In this free-flowing dialogue, free market environmentalists debate the issue.

Published on: March 19, 2006

Environmental Entrepreneurship

Environmental entrepreneurs should have a business plan just as any other entrepreneur, but for my business- school students this is a revelation.

Published on: March 19, 2006

Letters to the Editor

[…] under governmental ownership. Your second point focuses on the role of the public in financing these deals, and I recognize that this is the crux of the free market environmentalism issue. We tried to emphasize in the PERC Reports article that tax-supported conservation easements are justified to the extent that the easements produce public […]

Published on: March 1, 2006

Montana: On the Verge of Collapse?

In his latest book, Collapse: How Societies Succeed or Fail, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jared Diamond attempts to explain how a number of small, isolated societies, from Easter Island to Greenland, destroyed their environments and disappeared

Published on: March 1, 2006

Branching Out: Case Studies in Canadian Forest Management

The forests of North America represent enormous natural bounty. Yet, in the United States at least, the benefits of this wealth of nature are not being fully realized. Taxpayers lose money on their public forests, and the forests face severe ecological threats.

Published on: February 21, 2006

Saving Fisheries with Free Markets

Miliken Institute Review February 2006 By Donald R. Leal At long last, Mark Lundsten, captain of the fishing boat Masonic, could relax a little. He had spent hours navigating his vessel through heavy seas to get to the halibut grounds in time for their opening, then pushed himself and his crew hard in an […]

Published on: February 1, 2006