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Workers Adapt to a Snail’s Pace

Life has never been easy in the poor Western Cape township of Vyeboom, South Africa. Yet many illiterate, rural people migrated there from Eastern Cape Province seeking work picking fruit. Instead, they have found a promised land, of sorts, picking snails.

Published on: March 1, 2007

Property and the Public Trust Doctrine

The public trust doctrine is a little-known bit of legal history that is now touted as an ancient rule of law that allows governments to control property long presumed to be privately owned.

Published on: March 1, 2007

Enviropreneurs in Action

[…] Programme” has set aside funding and employed three additional staff whose responsibilities are toΒ coordinate and implement the program for private and communal land conservation. A comprehensive business plan has been developed and β€œpilot” sites for negotiations for conservation agreements have been identified. The pilot sites are important biodiversity areas whose owners are willing to […]

Published on: December 1, 2006

Mushrooms Meet Brownfields

[…] produce shelves of supermarketsβ€”mushrooms are actually a form of fungi that play an important role in the environment by decomposing organic matter in the soil. As the study of fungi is known as mycology, the economic use of them is what I refer to as myco-economics. My partners and I formed The Remediators Inc. […]

Published on: December 1, 2006

Malthus Reconsidered: Population, Natural Resources, and Markets

Malthus will always be associated with the idea of a social and economic trap, in which population grows faster than food production. But Malthus did not believe in a population apocalypse, as many of his followers do today.

Published on: December 1, 2006

Deadbeat Dams

A dam brokerage house plans to convert fixed liabilities liquid assets.

Published on: December 1, 2006

Letters to the Editor

[…] endorsement with an argument that is as old as the environmental movementβ€”that β€œMarkets have difficulty internalizing environmental values.” He then proceeds to illustrate but chooses an example easily resolved by the market. (This is the case with most, but not all, of the β€œenvironmental values” environmentalists embrace in order to prove the market doesn’t […]

Published on: December 1, 2006

State Parks’ Progress Toward Self-Sufficiency

[…] potential for creating self-sufficient national parks (that is, parks supported by visitor fees, donations, and grants rather than appropriations). As a companion piece PERC released a research study, Parks in Transition: A Look at State Parks, that gave detailed information about many state parks. The following paper updates that research and provides a sketch […]

Published on: October 20, 2006