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Margaret Thatcher: A Free Market Environmentalist

[…] Nicholas Ridley. As she summed up the issue: โ€œIf people were to be able to afford houses there must be sufficient amounts of building land available. Tighter planning meant less development land and fewer opportunities for home ownershipโ€ (638). (She also supported Ridley against what she called the โ€œromantics and cranksโ€ of the โ€œenvironmental […]

Published on: December 10, 2004

Bamboo Sprouts in Mexico

[…] $10 billion annually. That figure is expected to double in the next 10 years. It takes about three years for a farmer to develop a productive bamboo plantation. To jump-start production, a private group in Veracruz, Bambuver, is promoting the bamboo industry and actively teaching people how to grow it, process it, and profit […]

Published on: December 10, 2004

A Letter to the Editor

[…] resource by fiat or augment it to cope with changes in demand. An alternative deserves consideration. The government should aspire to make water an economic goodโ€”secure property, easily transferred and, therefore, available for a price just like land. This would allow incremental reallocation and avoid the rent-seeking and uncertainty that come with periodic government […]

Published on: December 10, 2004

Valles Caldera National Preserve

The Valles Caldera National Preserve experiment includes a self-sustaining federal mandate. Time will tell if the public land managers can behave like free market environmentalists.

Published on: December 1, 2004

Save the Environment, Free the Markets

[…] buck and how Ted Turner uses his ranches to help wildlife populations grow. Stroup utilizes East Germanyโ€™s “backward, dirty, and inefficient” Trabant car to demonstrate how central planning and the absence of a free market hinder both economic innovation and environmental responsibility. More principles are introduced in “Coercion: Protecting the Environment with Government Action.” […]

Published on: December 1, 2004

Enviros Must Modify Strategy as GOP Solidifies Power

[…] Defense Council President John Adams, in a letter to the groupโ€™s supporters, wrote that environmentally minded voters had successfully checked some of the Bush administrationโ€™s most controversial plans. But he said NRDC and others must brace for an escalation in the White House efforts to overhaul numerous existing laws. “Prepare yourself,” the letter said. […]

Published on: November 4, 2004

Property rights advocates express disappointment with Bush administration

[…] faulted the administration for not speaking out in favor of the critical habitat bill, which would alter critical habitatโ€™s deadlines, exclude land involved in other habitat conservation plans and give more weight to landowners and state and local governments in the decisionmaking process. Environmental groups have protested the critical habitat bill and other attempts […]

Published on: October 28, 2004

Press Release for 2004 Report Card on Bush’s Environmental Policy

[…] from Ds to one B+, except for an F for air quality. The best grades came in the areas of regulatory review, agricultural chemicals, security of chemical plants, water quality, water allocation, and global climate change. Yandleโ€™s team includes policy analysts from think tanks and universities, including: Terry L. Anderson (PERCโ€™s executive director), Andy […]

Published on: October 21, 2004

Are We Running Out of Oil?

[…] demand-and at steady, and even falling, prices when adjusted for inflation. Resource availability has been positively, not negatively, correlated to consumption when human ingenuity has been allowed free rein. The expansionist position is often associated with Julian Simon, who in 1990 won the most famous wager in the history of economics. He bet Paul […]

Published on: September 1, 2004