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The Key to Recovering the Monarch is to Reward Private Landowners

[…] spread out to cover most of the country in spring and summer.Β  The primary threat to the monarch is loss of habitat, especially removal of milkweedβ€”the only plant on which monarchs lay eggs and caterpillars feed. Because of the monarch’s long migration, its recovery will require one of the most significant, wide-ranging conservation actions […]

Published on: January 4, 2021

The Future of the Great American Outdoors

Recent legislation will help tackle long-overdue maintenance on public lands. It also reveals underlying issues that demand creative solutions.

Published on: December 16, 2020

Markets Are Agnostic

[…] flexibility, and fewer barriers, to tap private and public partners who can help its efforts with this daunting challenge.Β  And then there is the incoming president’s ambitious plan to conserve 30 percent of America’s lands and waters by 2030. Private lands can be an ally here. While not government owned, hundreds of millions of […]

Published on: December 16, 2020


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: December 16, 2020

Property Rights, Not Politics

[…] contractors hired by the Department of Homeland Security to clear the land in anticipation of border wall construction. When the organization protested, it learned that the government planned to seize control over more than two-thirds of the preserve, destroy much of the habitat, and bisect the property with a border wall or fence. Facing […]

Published on: December 16, 2020

A Better Way to Fund Conservation and Recreation

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT Federal energy revenues, primarily from oil and gas leasing, have long provided a crucial source of funding for conservation and recreation on public lands. The recently passed Great American Outdoors Act further cements that approach. The act mandates full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and creates […]

Published on: November 18, 2020

Enhancing the Public Lands Recreation Fee System

Visitors are already helping public lands flourish by contributing revenues that support recreation. Reforms could improve management and benefit visitors even more.

Published on: November 18, 2020