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Are Property Rights a Solution to Pollution?

[…] right was assigned would determine who paid the costs; in this example, it would determine whether the railroad or the farmer ended up paying.Β  But Coase’s essay planted a seed: His work emphasized that problems of pollution could be rephrased as questions of property rights. He also highlighted how efforts to reduce pollution might […]

Published on: July 6, 2020

A Different Shade of Green

Markets and property rights are working to solve a variety of environmental problems.

Published on: July 6, 2020

The Rights-Based Revolutions Beneath the Surface

[…] or to earn a living. What’s more, the ocean’s β€œvast mysteries” are receding as innovations above its surfaceβ€”including repurposed wartime technologies such as monofilament line, hydraulics, spotter planes, GPS, SONAR, LORAN, and RADARβ€”now allow us to penetrate its depths with pinpoint accuracy. Year after year, fishing fleets ranging in size from outboard skiffs to […]

Published on: July 6, 2020

Against Environmental Pessimism

[…] thinking about the environment has been popular for decades. A rational optimist lays out the many reasons we can be hopeful about the future of the Doomsday thinking about the environment has been popular for decades. A rational optimist lays out the many reasons we can be hopeful about the future of the planet.

Published on: July 6, 2020


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: July 6, 2020

Free Markets Meet Public Lands

[…] rather on politics. That means that short-term priorities driven by election cycles, political whims, and special interest groups often prevail over longer-term considerations that could produce more reliable and sustainable conservation outcomes. The challenge for groups like PERC, then, is to find solutions that account for these realities and provide better incentives to conserve […]

Published on: July 6, 2020

Free Market Environmentalism Elucidated

PERC is the home of free market environmentalism. But what is free market environmentalism? A statement of principle? An economic theory? A political rallying cry? As someone with long-standing ties to PERC, I have learned to embrace the phrase, and in so doing have arrived at the interpretation I present here. It describes what […]

Published on: July 6, 2020

Book Review: Green Market Revolution

[…] celebrated around the world. PERC is proud to join with these many voices in authoring Green Market Revolution: How Market Environmentalism Can Protect Nature and Save the Planet, a new book published by the Austrian Economics Center and the British Conservation Alliance. The first of its kind, this book brings together experts from more […]

Published on: June 30, 2020