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Prospecting for Pollution: The Need for Better Incentives to Clean Up Abandoned Mines

[…] work uncertain of the status of any permit or limitations on liability. Requiring any lawsuits to be filed shortly after a permit is issued or a site study has begun could provide certainty to Good Samaritans without unduly frustrating the benefits of environmental litigation. California, for instance, requires challenges to environmental reviews under the […]

Published on: February 11, 2020

Speeding Up Environmental Reviews is Good for the Economy and the Environment

[…] should decide what environmental effects to focus on. Critics of the proposal charge that this undermines public participation and informed decision-making. The first objection can be answered easily. Most people reading this never have seenβ€”much less attempted to readβ€”a draft environmental impact statement, and the few who tried to review one likely got discouraged […]

Published on: February 6, 2020

“Less fortunate citizens have property rights, too.”

[…] rights and raise constitutional concerns. Nevertheless, the legislatureΒ overrodeΒ the veto and the law went into effect. In questioning whether legislatures can simply erase property owners’ rights to be free from nuisances, Judge Wilkinson and Governor Cooper are in good company. Last year, in a case questioning whether the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability […]

Published on: February 4, 2020

Greening Globalilzation

The loss of biodiversity is a top risk to the global economy. Reducing that risk depends on securing property rights and embracing free trade.

Published on: January 22, 2020

Property Rights at Heart of Superfund Case

[…] The company is arguing that the rights of the landowners surrounding the smelter are voided by federal law because any additional work would β€œconflict” with the EPA-approved plan. Superfund, however, doesn’t write away Montana landowners’ property rights. The law states that β€œnothing” in it β€œshall affect or modify in any way the obligations or […]

Published on: December 19, 2019

Masters of Migration

[…] detriment of landowners and the ecosystem, time spent on private lands may be increasing. As wolves and grizzlies grow in number, private ranchlands not only provide a reliable source of food for elk, but also a refuge from predators. Over the past two decades, migratory elk numbers in Wyoming have decreased, while resident elk […]

Published on: December 6, 2019


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: December 6, 2019