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What Can the Man Who Saved a Billion Lives Teach Us About the Future of Environmentalism?

[…] reduced, usually by decreasing his number, and another that embraces human ingenuity and prosperity as the best of means of finding a solution (without resorting to human misery). Free market environmentalism holds a lot of promise for the latter camp. It allows people to make better environmental decisions, empowers innovators to create new markets for environmental assets, […]

Published on: March 30, 2018

State-Owned Lands in the Eastern United States: Lessons from State Land Management in Practice

[…] Relatively little has been written about eastern state lands, in part due to the diversity of these states’ policies and management practices. No single book or comprehensive study examines state-owned lands in the East. Yet in several eastern states with large portions of state-owned lands, the management of those lands presents economic and environmental […]

Published on: March 13, 2018

How to Reduce Conflicts Over Public Lands in the West

[…] belief in centralized control, as seen in department’s many federal bureaus devoted to efficient management of the nation’s natural resources in the public’s interest through comprehensive scientific planning. Decisions are often made in Washington D.C., or in the courts rather than by local managers or resolved cooperatively between competing user groups—and that is a […]

Published on: February 19, 2018

Sharing-Economy Conservation

[…] More complex problems invariably run into the knowledge problem described by F.A. Hayek: reaching the right result depends on regulators having access to diffuse information that they can’t possibly obtain and continuously solving a problem with variables that never stop changing. Most environmental problems don’t have easy solutions because there are costs and benefits on both sides of the equation. […]

Published on: February 15, 2018

Voluntary Conservation to the Gopher Tortoise’s Rescue

[…] tortoise. Through the Gopher Tortoise Initiative, the federal government, state of Georgia, and private groups are raising $150 million to recover this species. The central component of the plan is to work cooperatively with landowners to encourage habitat restoration and tortoise reintroduction. From the NPR story on the initiative: “I recently heard that our new Secretary Zinke […]

Published on: February 7, 2018